Here's how you can help #BLACKLIVESMATTER

Here is how you can help >>


Understand that not all police officers are bad, there are some good ones whom out there joining forces with protesters to create change. But there are still officers out and hurting other people. Personally, police officers should be actively engaging with this movement and spread awareness. We should initiate and invite them to join the movement. So let’s not take away police officers opportunity for wanting to do the right thing. 

and if somehow you never committed a crime during peaceful protest but got yourself in trouble, there are resources that might able to help with the link down below.

Understand that this is isn’t your fight if you’re not black. Non-black people should not be making things about yourself. (Trying to go against and say #alllivesmatter. This isn’t the time and place)

I do not support violence or looting. KAPU ALOHA

This blog was made to educate yourself. It was never my intention to bring division or segregation. I want peace not violence. And I support #blacklivematters and I see and understand the injustices that are made by society. But it’s important to stay informed and gather pieces of information. I am not here to enforce or influencing you to do anything but to just read and retain information. 

These opinions are not based on political/religious/racial beliefs. (Except for KAPU ALOHA) They are my strictly my opinions and whether you take it positively or negatively, it’s up to you.

This link provides some good information on how you can educate yourself and be able to contribute.

link to a tweet of small businesses that were affected by it and how you can help

Make sure if you are protesting, wear protection, and protest peacefully. 

Here is the link to the tweet for bail funds

I will be posting updates if found. Feel free to comment for additional information. I do not own these link and sources and they were provided from third-party sources. This post was to help people educate and understanding that there are resources available. 

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